The Generals are Failures


The U.S. military’s general officers are failures. They have neither won nor finished a war. This is good for them because when they leave service, they cash their position and contacts in at the best-paying defense contractor. Then our political representatives (not leaders) hire these same failures back to act in a capacity with civilian control over the military.

 Also look no further than Fort Hood, Texas and the entire slow rolling debacle that has unfolded since May.

Afghanistan started in October 2001, we are at 19 years in. I’m sure another 20 years and we’ll get it just right so the Taliban can take over as soon as we leave anyway.

Iraq started March 2003. We’re still there under the guise of fighting ISIS everyone knows it’s just a strategic bid as a stopping block to Iran subverting the country.

Any suggestion that we should stop these interventions and return home is met with stonewalling and slow rolling from the Generals and administrative state because they know eventually they’ll have the perfect plan and they’ll solve the problem. That’s why Trump hasn’t been able to pull all of them out. General officers using the cover of the admin state to do what they want and not what the duly elected President wants.  

This week VP/PE Joe “Beijing” Biden announced that he would pick retired General Lloyd Austin as the Secretary of Defense. Now, there is a law that requires seven years from retirement before any officer can assume a civilian position in the DoD. This was waived for Mattis, that was a mistake. Civilian control of the military should mean civilian control. It should not mean a revolving door from general to SecDef.


I especially see no reason to violate this standard when the General officers have done nothing great or outstanding. I would give a waiver for any of allied commanders of WWII, they won a World War. They have special knowledge on how to fight and win and that might be tangentially important and critical to keep them engaged in the defense of the United States at least for the near term. What has this recent crop of generals done? What war have they won? What war have they ended? None. Their tenures have been tenures of failure.


But they will come out with all the wreaths, laurels, and fanfare to announce their support a presidential candidate. Or they will be welcomed with applause, crying and fainting couches in the Pentagon when they are rehired to continue the same failure they oversaw during their time in uniform. This time they do it in a suit with a fat pension, money from military defense contractors in their pockets and friends in the defense industry. They have failed to end or win wars and should be exiled in shame, not given control of the military…again.


After all, can anyone tell me how many terrorist attacks we’ve had on U.S. or western allies in their countries since Jan. 2017? How many from Jan. 2009 to Dec. 2016? How long did Obama fuck around with the JV squad in Iraq and Syria? Four years? And why did the Trump administration wrap ISIS up and take all their major strongholds in nine months. I know it was their policy and it was that quick because I was there. The deep state didn’t like that Trump made all their pomp and methodology look silly. He discredited them as experts. Having worked with a number of these people, they aren’t experts on much except expanding the bureaucracy, managing the bureacracy they create and keeping their job. The deep state bureaucrats believe if they just think long enough and hard enough and do enough powerpoint presentations and sign enough memos they can think of the perfect solution using the bureaucracy. Trump believes in doing and brute force. Sometimes it is a nail and you need a hammer. ISIS was nail and the administrative state aka deep state couldn’t think of a solution. He told them all they needed was a hammer and get swinging. They were none too pleased. After all they had spent years with Obama and Michelle Fluornoy doing all this deep thinking about the problem of ISIS. They were the experts. The Generals were the experts. They knew better.


Both candidates for President had a list of General officers (re: swamp creatures) who supported them for President. Now, some generals were more influential than others. The most recent camp of retired officers still held considerable sway over the military because their successors were groomed from their camps and were now running the military. The NeoCons/NeoLiberals of the Bush era, and the Boomer Leftist GO’s of course supported their buddy Beijing Biden. Most of the older, longer retired officers supported Trump and had very little sway over the Pentagon as their professional progeny had also long since retired. All of the officers promoted over 8 years of Obama had morphed into political appointees and weren’t really soldiers. You can thank these Boomer GOs for the left’s ability to infiltrate the military with critcal race theory and the religion of SocJus. They were able to hold their positions and influence in the Pentagon using the deep state apparatus and the revolving door from defense contractor to Senior Executive Service then to being an “advisor” then back to their spot on a board at a defense contractor. Nice job if you can get it.


The current crop of Boomer GOs wouldn’t support Trump for a rather large reason: he wouldn’t genuflect to their bad opinions (see ISIS).  While Generals say they like civilian control of the military. They really don’t. It has nothing to do with what is best for national security. Our baseline military has enough firepower to obliterate any challenger. They are more concerned about the decrease in foreign military interventions. Generals need these foreign excursions for promotion. They need the positions to hold more general officer positions in the military so they can add joint experience and combined joint commands to their resumes and more importantly for the globalist GOs: allied experience. It looks better for promotion and looks better for defense contract advisory board jobs when they retire.


Biden nominating Austin is a continuation of the status quo from Bush and Obama and embracing the military industrial complex. I would even say using the NIC as a tool for credibility to get elected. Nothing will change. The NeoLibs/NeoCons united in their idea for Neo-Imperialism at any cost, even at the cost of the nation state. You can have one or the other. After all NeoCon Bill Kristol was once a Communist. His over riding ideology is imperialism. The general officers have been raised from commissioning to general to be a globalist, casting more concern on allies than on the people of the United States and what they want or need. Their entire vocation and promotion is centered around how much they participate with allies and alliances hence the need for foreign intervention and excursion and hence their anger when Trump upsets the “status quo.” They are so indoctrinated they don’t see a world where the United States acts as an independent sovereign nation. In the eyes of all of these GOs we are not exceptional but just another member of the global order. The order in which they want to participate and hold power.  


The other status quo being carried over from Obama is the continuation of the SocJus critical race theory, grievance industry cult. In a meta form of this the nomination of Austin himself is part of the ideology. There are other, maybe not better-suited, but just as qualified candidates. Austin was a GO in Iraq in 2010 then the Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, other than that his career isn’t really a spectacular one. There are also better candidates who wouldn’t need a waiver, like Fluornoy but she doesn’t check enough intersectional boxes. Sad. Austin’s nomination itself isn’t and won’t be enough for the cultists so I know that the number one priority will be re-instating white guilt/fragility training throughout the fed and especially in the military. (More to follow on that in another post).


So, I do hope you enjoy more of the same as America First becomes “what’s America?” Is it an independent nation or just another member of the global order providing security welfare to the socialist countries of the world at the expense of the American taxpayer. Expect more foreign involvement and it won’t be big conflicts, it will be mission creep and small deployments with no fanfare to solve problems that don’t concern us for reasons that don’t matter to Americans. I hope America gets what they voted for.


I’m calling Broken Arrow…The DoD has been overrun…


Evangelists of Diversity…Except the one that Matters